Doug Elliott

'Singing his little heart out'
- Doug plays bass for Odds
- He sings back up on all of the tracks that require his touch
- You can make out his voice very well in the chorus of "Truth or Dare" from
- Former band was "Rubber Biscuit"
- Doug appeared in the movie "Cousins"
- He helped record some of the music for The Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy movie
- He appears on Kim Stockwood's CD Bona Vista
- Doug appears on Taste Of Joy's CD Trigger Fables
- His birthday is September 3rd
- He is too cool to tell anyone his age
- In Dawn Patrol, he was Don Swinger
- He is originally from Edmonton, AB, but he lives in Vancouver today
If you have any fun or interesting facts about Doug, or if you think I've missed something, please
e-mail me.